*** ForeChem system log *** Author: Gabriele Curci 11 March 2019 - Change of information in the web site, now highlighting the collaboration of ARTA Abruzzo and CETEMPS. 07 March 2019 - Major update of the Linux Operating System. Reinstalled R packages for version 3.5. The operational forecast was not interrupted. 06 February 2019 - Amazingly, the implementation of procedures for the direct download of GFS forecast from NOMADS worked at the first attempt overnight. This required: - a new script "gfs_nomads.sh", which is a wrapper for NOAA perl script get_gfs.pl; - a new script "conv_gfs.sh", for conversion from GRIB2->1 - changes to forechem.sh and clean_gfs.sh 05 February 2019 - The download of GFS forecast from NOMADS has been restricted. The HIMET download is now forced to a smaller domain, not suitable for WRF-CHIMERE domains setup in ForeChem. The download procedure is being updated in order to adjust to this change and to be independent of HIMET download. 16 January 2019 - Operational forecast back to work. Need for revision of the GFS download procedure. 04 January 2019 - Changes to the protocols for the download of GFS forecast caused interruption of the centralized download by HIMET, and consequent interruption of the runs. 21 March 2018 - From 7 March 2018 NCEP/GFS URL for the download of analysis was modified and caused interruption of analysis run until today. The problem is now solved modifying from "http" to "https" the URL for the download of NCEP FNL data. 15 February 2018 - New domain over Pescara at 1 km resolution now operational on ARTA server. 13 February 2018 - New domain over Abruzzo at 4 km resolution now operational on ARTA server. 18 December 2017 - Start of delivery of data from new ARTA server. The first product in test is the archive produced by "launch_archive.sh". Transmission of all data (images, stations, etc.) from the ARTA server will follow after test. 23 March 2017 - The web server (atmoforum) badly crashed on 04 March 2017. The site is now on the same server of CETEMPS, but the porting has taken some time, causing interruption of the service until today. - Due to limited disk space on the new web server, the historical images are now available only for the latest 6 months. 17 May 2016 - Due to unforeseen change to NCEP model levels (from 27 to 32), the runs went down for a few days. 1 December 2015 - ForeChem data archival was restored, for both grid and station output (it was active since April 2015) 6 November 2015 - The system was fully reinstalled and updated. Main updates are the outphase of MM5, which is replaced by WRF V3.7.1, and the update of CHIMERE to the latest version V2014b. The simulation over Europe and Italy were reactivated, the one over Abruzzo region is still pending. The European domain was slightly expanded northward, in order to include all UK and the southern part of Scandinavia. ForeChem data archival is still also pending. 7 October 2015 - Major system failure: the server badly crashed 27 April 2015 - Visualization of 3rd domain over Abruzzo on the web 24 April 2015 - Automatic archive of ForeChem timeseries at station points 22 April 2015 - Automatic archive of basic surface data on the server 16 January 2015 - Updated GFS Vtable for MM5 due to change in GRIB code for soil temperature 15 December 2014 - Run of 3rd domain fully operational. The wall clock time added is of the order of 7 hours 24 November 2014 - Run on 3rd domain for MM5 forecast phase adds about 90 minutes wall clock 21 November 2014 - Activated 3rd domain on operational MM5 forecast phase - Run on 3rd domain for MM5 analysis phase adds about 30 minutes wall clock 20 November 2014 - Begin tests for 3rd domain over Abruzzo region (for ARTA) - Activated 3rd domain on operational MM5 analysis phase 27 April 2012 - Added Air Quality Index maps 28 April 2011 - Changed MM5 sigma levels from 33 to 29. 10 April 2011 - Update of PGI compiler license: expiration caused a few days of blackout. 07 September 2010 - Optimization of image compression for faster web site opening. 06 September 2010 - High-resolution run over Italy is now operational. ForeChem now runs on two nested domains: 1. EUROPE at 0.5 x 0.5 degrees resolution 2. ITALY at 0.15 x 0.15 degrees resolution - Secondary Organic Aerosol mechanism passes from soatyp=2 to soatyp=3. - New feature: time step of animations passes from 3-h to 1-h. - Italian version of the web interface is released. August 2010 - Operational run over Italy is in test. June 2010 - Results from a first validation of the system are published on the 31st ITM conference proceedings http://pumpkin.aquila.infn.it/gabri/downld/31_ITM_Curci_Gabriele.pdf April 2010 - Starts development of the high-resolution operational run over Italy. March 2010 - New feature: archivied images of past forecasts may now be retrieved from the web interface. Summer 2009 - Scripts of the automatic forecast system were rewriten from scratch. - ForeChem again operationally running at European scale. - CHIMERE model version updated to 2008c. May 2009 - The new server is finally operational, after a lengthy purchase process and the Mw6.3 earthquake in L'Aquila. Summer 2008 - The server crashed. Early 2005 - A first version of the operational forecast system was developed, running at European scale.